Award winning Bush Poet Col Driscoll was raised on a small sheep and wheat farm at Barkly, in the Wimmera District of Victoria.
Col has been writing Bush Poetry for about 25 years, gaining his inspiration from those innocent days growing up on the farm, as well as the sights he has seen, the places he has visited and the fascinating people he has met during his travels around Australia. In his poetry Col strives to capture the colours, the humour, the hardships and the spirit of Australia in a style that saw him win the prestigious ‘Golden Damper Award' at the 2009 Tamworth Bush Poetry Competition.
Col now incorporates his poetry into his travels, performing and MCing at corporate functions, events and festivals across the country including the Tamworth Music Festival, Gympie Muster, Port Fairy Folk Festival, The Tenterfield Oracles of the Bush Festival and the Man from Snowy River Festival, just to name a few.